About Me!!

    My name is Jessica Rivera-Hernandez.  I'm 15 years old, My birthday is on July 28, 1997.   I'm Hispanic, So I come from a Mexican family & I'm proud of it.  I love going out with my family, but even more when its something to do with any kind of parties.  Dancing is a huge part of my life. Since I was little I was shown to dance until you can't move.  With that goes music... its my life, I couldn't go a day without listening to it; in Spanish, English, and even K-pop.  I'll listen to anything EXCEPT country, its the only kind of music I can't stand.
This is nothing but the true!!! 

     Well other than than dancing, music, and my family theres something else I couldn't live without them in my life.  They are my best friends in my life AKJ for life. There names are Arlene, & Krishna.  I met there years ago when we were very little.  I very happy & grateful  because they are in my life cause they been there for me in the good and bad moments in my life.  They say "Your friends know the best and worst stories of your life but your best friends live them with you."  I know I can count on them no matter what like they can count on me.  And over the years our friendship gets stronger. This couldn't be possible without my godparent, their parents Ellen & Tony.  To me they are like my other parents & in my eye their part of my family.

Arlene, Ellen , Tony , & Krishna.
    I know I may be young but I have learned that life is full of ups & downs, good & bad moments, and with the smallest second things can change dramatically. So you have to live your life to the fullest and learn to love your life no matter what, with the good & bad moments.  Be yourself  and don't let bad moments or people change you.
*A.K.J* Some of our moments together, that I will NEVER forget.

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